I Am Em Morte

I am em morte
I am death
Winds wave each eternal breath
For those who come to comfort thee
Are the ones who stand in-between
The nights are so cold and dark
Yet bliss is each shadows undying birthmark

For the vampires who creep along the streetlights
Merciless for blood beyond ones winters frostbite
Because the snow’s hard-hearted joy
Grew fond of what it could easily destroy

Blind eyed lovers forbidden romance
For an outlaw passion can enchant
Like when the sun shared its shine
Too the moon, who soon became mine
When the flower shared its honey with the bee
An unspoken truth to forever be with me

Full hearts soon to become broken
Sweet lies become unspoken
Each engraved footstep in the snow
Unmasked what your heart truly showed

Now lurking in the lightless night
Guarded by dim moonlight
I slaughter the wounds you left behind
Carved within soul undyingly defined
The cracked headstone is undesirable
For I am immortal
Eu sou imortal