Diary Of A Lonely Girl

As she stares in the mirror
Longing for what she can't see
The voices in her head saying
That's something you'll never be
She wants to be someone else
"Anyone but me"

She hates what she sees
Looking back at her everyday
She just doesn't get why
Nothing feels okay

She's hurting inside
She feels as if the world is crumbling before her
And she's taking her last breath

She fights back the tears
That are eager to roll down her cheek
Trying to hide her feelings
So the world won't see

See the lonely girl
With her head between her knees
Trying to hide from herself
And what she doesn't want to be

She wants to be more
Than the misfit girl
With her heart torn
And feeling broken inside

She walks the halls alone
Avoiding all the glances
From those who think she's a freak
Even though she knows they're wrong
And she's just unique
That's what she tells herself
When she's crying herself to sleep

She wants to fit in
And be like everyone else
Just so that she will be liked
To feel accepted
By everyone around her
She just doesn't understand
Why everyone dislikes her

She sits in her room and cries
Almost suffocating on her tears
She feels happy to see blood streak down her arm
As she pushes cool metal to her skin
Just to feel better

That's all she feels she can do
To take away the pain inside that she feels
And wash away the loneliness

Hopefully one day she will feel
Feel more than numbness and pain
More then the warmth of blood spilling down her arm
But until then she'll be that lonely girl
That wants to be like everyone else