
a solitary figure
beating her fist at the sky,
crying out in
defiance and rage against god.
emotions, rushing in overpowering, over
flowing with
how could you allow th
is to happen?
jollity appears as a façade li
ke a lie she covers the
loneliness with
merry smiles that
never reach her eyes. on her
own again
praying with the e
quivalent of a fe
rvent nonbeliever,
she might see him again –
the bright smiles, the magnetic eyes, an eternity of love
unknowing if ever her tra
vels will lead her to his
warm embrace, but in truth they have been
x'd, nonexistent in eachother's existence.
"you can't understand," she says – but oh how we do. we just learned to
zip up loose ends – we learned to forget.