Night Panic

The moon hid from me today,
Not of her own will.
She was kidnapped, locked away in a dark tower.
I search and try to find her
Behind that thick veil of fog.
She tries to escape him,
Her light pulsating, penetrating Night's curtain.

I feel lost without the direction of the stars -
The ominous fog has swallowed them up - instead
I stand still, desperately searching
For the Moon and her Stars to calm the turmoil swirling through inside,
But they have forsaken me.

Desperate for any comfort, I turn to the grass
That gently caresses my calloused feet;
But I use the grass as a last resort,
And it expresses its sullen resentment through
Antagonistic little stabs under my body
Like tiny needle pricks.

I have never yearned for the Moon or her Stars as now;
I want to drink moonbeams through the pores of my skin;
I wish for the sense of starlight trickling
From my bare arms to the small of my back.
But the Fog denies me these pleasures
And so I must rely on myself
As I stumble through the Night
Bitterly aware of my solitude