Limerick's For School

There once was a man named Frank.
He applied for a job at the bank.
They didn’t like his hair,
So he stripped himself bare.
And scared everyone away from the bank.

There lived an old man named Gerard.
He lived in a house in the yard.
His girlfriend was gay.
So he wouldn’t let her stay.
So she hit him over the head very hard.


There once lived a man named Ray.
Who had a donkey who couldn’t bray.
He hit it so hard,
That if flew cross the yard.
And got arrested the very next day.


There lived a man named Bob.
Who played drums for a job.
He traveled cross country,
And said “This is not for me.”
And went back to just being Bob.


There once lived a man named Mikey.
His hair which he didn’t likey.
So he cut it all off,
And said with a scoff,
“Now my hair I likey.”