Rette Mich...

Vision blurry and mind distorted i look at the bottom of the glass. Tears in my eyes as I tip my head back allow the harsh warm liquid to run down my throat. Head reeling i fall to my knees staring at the old tile floor. This sieve remedy killing me slowly, running through my wire heart. I just want it to spill all to the floor, Stomach pulsating i lay my hands upon the bare cold floor hawking my soul out onto the mindless clouds this elixir is leaving me on.

Arm wiping away my mind from my mouth, i stumble to my feet. I stand at my place spinning my head an every direction that i could. These shadows that lay with me every night, that follow my every movement that crowd my darkest secrets. They torment me, laughing and dancing as i crawl to the bottle...

Chest explodes into a shower of mourning upon the floor, like a skyscraper high in the sky i tip and sway with every movement around me. I fall over, mind fading. The melancholy liquid spilling out before me as my mind fades to black...

My eyes shoot open as a searing pain races through my head. I grip my head squeezing trying to shut it all out. I stand looking out around me, Nothing but a wasted life i have lived. I walk several steps and fall to my knees in a flurry of tears. I grip my neck, violently ripping the soft flesh beneath my finger nails. I pull off my clothes and burn them. I slide my finger across my chest down to my waist, disgusted by what i am i cut a box around my heart and pull in out. My veins and nerves still attached to it i examine the remnants of what i am. I griping it so as to not drop the small beating heart black and shriveled. Sounds of screaming banshees sound in m head calling to me. How can i resist?

I squeeze my heart lightly, I yelp and cry. I squeeze it harder, I scream in agony and sob. I dig my nails into my heart and cry out in agony and pain. My mind tells me to stop but my heart enjoys the suffering. I squeeze harder and harder pulling away from my chest.

My vision fades and i fall on my side. My hand falls before me dropping my heart upon the floor covering it in dirt. Hanging by one thread, one vein, one nerve... One string before snapping. I close my eyes and cry silently to myself. I can feel myself slipping from reality. I hear a slam in front of me, I open my eyes. The door before me flew open slamming into the wall, wind rushed in around me blowing through the hollow halls of this strange home. A silhouette stood before me, light pouring out around it. Wings spread from the back of this silhouette and a hand reached out to me. Long flowing hair it stood before my eyes so beautiful as the light poured around the angel. Two emerald gems shone in its head, It spoke to me with a voice of pure innocents. Like a chorus of ten-thousand children singing in unison...

My eyes began to shut and my mind closing down. I lay naked and bleeding at the Angels feet.. I spoke two words to the angel... Rette Mich...