Your Like Sand Sliding From My Grasp

This thing is starting to hurt,
To know that you know I like you,
I'm doing everything wrong
And look whats happening,
I'm losing you like sand,

I grasp as what I want,
Hold onto it tightly,
To hold onto it forever and ever,
But then it happens again,
I lose you through my fingers,

For you to know I like you is a shock,
I never thought it would be like this,
What I've done is something I shouldn't have,
I really like you
And I can't help that,

Yes I'm in love with someone else,
But liking you is starting to get me worried,
The dreams I have,
Make me fear going out into the world,
To be able to see you with my eyes,

Everything can pay up,
But the feeling I have for you is something nothing could buy,
You mean so much to me,
Even if it's not suppose to be,
What can I do about it??,

If this is what happens when I find someone I like,
I'm going to lock myself away in a cupboard and never return,
Some people would be happy about that,
Should I do that?? should I not??,
I can't handle this feeling anymore,

I want to dream nice dreams,
To fall asleep at night,
But that just isn't happening
And I don't know what to do,
To keep you inbetween my fingers.