Love Poem.

As I woke in your arms early this morn,
My heart took flight - with wings it was borne.
I've loved boys before, about one or two,
But never before was that someone you.

Wild, free, and untamed, so few have snared me;
Only clipping my wings prevented my flee.
But you have succeeded in what most cannot;
Gently you coaxed til my heart you had caught.

And it scares me greatly this new feeling of mine,
For what if our bodies did cease to twine?
I interest you now, but I know it won't last,
And my clandestine laugh will sink to your past.

I'm quite inexperienced, I know its true,
My knowledge is far less than you're used to.
What if my clumsiness begins to bore -
Would you leave for one who knows more?

Before, to bear it, I'd grit my teeth,
And below a bone bury pain underneath.
But now the fresh wound would bubble and brew,
Overspilling embankments - to guard me, I grew.

For I have a sincere confession to make:
If you disappeared, my heart it would break.
But then I listen to our hearts beat in time,
And find comfort in your limbs entangled in mine.

For how could you hold me like this - and not care?
I realize now that my distrust was not fair.
I can not hold you to my preconceptions of men -
You've proven your love ten times over again.