
It was fast, painfully fast
When my knees buckled under me and I felt myself fall to the ground
And realisation hit me harder than ever before
The tears I had fought back for so many years
And didn't allow to flow
Gave in and trickled down my burning red-hot cheeks

And now here I sit; motionless and silent
Done with the anger and shock that flooded
And drowned my before
The hard, cold, concrete walls scream back the wretched insults
And sickening emotions which escaped my mouth
An unsympathetic mask shielding the real emotions on my face
The tears I shed before staining every corner of the room
Like blood spilt over greed and guilt

The strength I once thought I had
Swims around in the air before me
Silently taunting each slow, even breath I take
I watch as the darkness slowly engulfs me
And my endless questions turn into fears
I am blind as I look around

Through the salty drops of liquid in my eyes
I can see that
Silence is the end of a song; endless and unbearable
Strength is a drug; craved and missed when taken away
Darkness is the beginning of a movie; questionable and mysterious
Discovery is the light at the end of a tunnel; waiting, passive, imperturbable and finally,