Never Forget

Dressed up and ready to go,
Slide the bangles on,
Fix the earrings,
Look at your reflection,
And smile..

Out and about,
Having a good time,
With friends and sisters,
Losing yourself in the euphoria..

Forget about what's happening,
Think only of yourself,
Forget about the girl left home,
Focus just on your fun,
Don't mind her, she's alone and cold,
Leave her be, she'll be okay soon.

Just forget about her,
And enjoy your night out,
Don't mind about others just like her,
It's her own fault,
She doesn't mind,
She'll be alright.

Suddenly that girl is you,
Left out of events,
Slouching off to cry,
No-one cares where you went.

Lost, you find yourself alone,
You can hear the voices drone on and on,
But you're not a part of it.
You once were, and now you're not.

Too bad, she says.
That girl you once forgot.
She's ready to have a good time.
And you've been left on your own.