Atop of New York City

The winter air is cool,
but she wouldn't know.
She sits in her crammed office,
mindlessly glaring out her box window.
A difficult project is due,
she's told that its supposed to be the next big thing.
People do this everyday,
her new job shouldn't be as hard as it seems.

She's one of the company's newest writers,
her hopes are extremely high.
Her attention is torn from her work,
as one of her real-life heroes walks by.
He asks her how her work is coming along,
to know if he could get a sneak peek.
Her nerves are on end,
what if he thinks the story is weak?

A nod and a smile,
it's a sign of his satisfaction.
He loved her story and asked for a copy,
he even asked if he could be apart of the comic's faction.
He leaves the room and she knows she deserves a reward,
she heads out to see her story's unique artist.
This feeling of accomplishment spreads onto her partner,
they both know that this work has been by far the hardest.

Quickly she runs home to her apartment,
picking up the phone.
"Mom and Dad! Guess what?" she squeals
and all that is returned is a "Sorry, we're not home."
The monotone voice hits her like a wall of bricks
and a tear streams down her face.
But she's a grown-up now,
even if the only thing that has changed is her age.
Life away from home is very different to her,
even if all she ever wanted is to get out.
She's sure that this job is her one chance,
so she shouldn't just sit around and pout.

She stays up forever and the comic is finished later that night
and is sent into editing on the next day.
She hopes her writing is a hit,
she could really use the pay.
Her hero walks by again,
this time holding a surprise.
He tells her congratulations,
and that he's sure she will rise.
She laughs a little bit,
unsure about his promise.
"Have a good day, Miss Buescher.
And welcome to DC Comics."