A Place of Hidden Life

There's a place
where elves play,
fairies dance,
centaurs run,
and magic is all around.
A place of euphoria.
A place of impossibility.
A place of hidden treasures.
Castles stand high as the sky
and the wind plays with the trees.
Vibrating life is in every breath
of everyone -
every creature,
every thought,
every being.

A place of freedom,
it lures us -
all of us -
with its charm.

Yet no one succumbs to the brilliant beauty.
No one gives in to the call.
Without us, it should be lonely.
It's not.
Without it, we are lonely.
But no one knows.

No one knows of the loneliness,
or the magic,
or the charm,
or the dancing fairies and playful elves,
the running centaurs and high castles,
the wind and trees' games and breaths of life,
or the freedom.
The magic is forgotten.

But not among those who believe.
Those who believe keep it alive.
Alive forever.