That Night

That night
When we were talking on the riverside
About why we liked each other;
You said I wasn't like other girls,
I didn't play hard to get.
When you were saying those words
I was thinking "Well, what's the point in playing hard to get?
You've got me now and I've got you."
I told you, you were different from the others.
You asked why and I said you just are.
But now I know why.
You're different because every time I throw a tantrum
And run away you don't run after me.
You don't say stupid words like "Always" and "Forever".
You don't get jealous when other guys talk to me
Or call me pretty.
I'm a bitch sometimes and you're a dickhead sometimes.
But I love every imperfection you have.
Your vanity, your cockiness, your lack of money.
And I'm hoping you'll love me
For everything I am.
Because even though I won't say forever,
I will love you as long as I remember
Everything you are.