The Door to Perception

This poem is split into four sections -- Do Not Touch the Earth, The Labyrinth, The Kingdom of Exile and The End is Nigh.

~Do Not Touch the Earth~

Do not touch the Earth.

Movements in the sand.
Making worrying disquiet familiar.

Apprehensive at the top of the hill.
Rolling thoughts and intuition obscure.

Do not touch the Earth.

~The Labyrinth~

Dark and gloom engulf the shadows.
Rain falls in the labyrinth of streams.

Melancholic silhouette of days long departed.
Making tranquillity a thing of the past.

Solitary flower opposing the bleak surroundings.
A small speck of hope in the mass unknown.

~The Kingdom of Exile~

In the Kingdom of Exile there is no emotion, just an air of dread.
The captors are no longer human, through years of wickedness and malice.

Knowing of their fate but no attempt to rectify the wrongdoing.
The only realisation is of what lies in wait.

There is no future, no past, just the present.
In the kingdom of exile there is no emotion, just the thoughts in your head.

~The End is Nigh~

Soon there will be no words, just visions in the mind.
No way to explain the evil that lurks in the shadows.
Biding its time until the day when thought ceases to exist.
Waiting to pounce, like a cat on a mouse.

The first flash of Eden no longer imagined.
Freedom’s shores seem so far away to them.
When this day comes, the world is over.

Endless war, battles waged.
Continuous to the point of inscrutability.
With nothing to gain and everything to lose.
Reveals the end is nigh.