Lie To Me

Just hold me in your hands
Tell me everything will be ok
I’m fine that way
Lie to me
Whisper sweet nothings
Hopefully they will turn into something’s
Help me threw the shadow
Don’t let me think death
Don’t let it get to my head
Lie to me
Tell me sweet nothings
Tell me everything is ok
Lie to me
Pour those sweet smooth lips on my ear
Tell me you’re here
Just lie to me
Tell me I will make it threw with out this
Tell me you’re here for me
Tell me everything you want for me
Lie sweetie lie
So that I don’t feel shy
Tell me I’m beautiful
Tell me I’m wanted
Tell me he loved me
Tell me you love me
Tell me she loves me
Don’t let them go
Everything in my life leaves
Just hold me, and never let go
Never leave
Stay with me
Never let go
Tell me tat everything will be fine
Tell me your mine
Just give me a sign
You see, the world is crashing down on me
And no matter how hard I’ve been trying
All I do is sit here crying
Thinking about the darkness that is death
Thinking that it’s my only way out
Don’t let me do something I will regret
Stay here
Never leave
Lie to me
And I swear, I will believe
Because coming from you
I know you it Is true
Even if it is a lie
It’s what you hope
Save me from what is me
Don’t let me get that razor blade
Don’t let me cut threw the tender flesh
Hold me
Pin my arms down
As much as I fight
Just let me know what is truly right
Don’t let me cause self harm
Cradle me like you would a baby
Don’t let my eyes droop sadly
Keep me warm
Shelter my from the storm
The storm that is named me
Even though I know it’s dark now
You’re here
Don’t leave
And keep lying
The more you do, the more I believe
Just hold me, make me feel relieved
This wound feels like a millions hot knifes stabbing
They where all aimed at me
Just hold me like you would a baby
Whisper sweet nothing that will turn into something
Let those soft lips touch my ear
Let your warm hands pin down my arms
Because I know you intend no harm
Jus lie…
and I’ll be fine?