Is it over?

Is it over?
Please tell me.
Don't leave me hanging here,
Like an open door.

Don't leave me so fast,
I thought our love would last.
We slowly fade away,
I wish it wouldn't have to be this way.

I'm sinking in misery,
Can't you even see?
All the lies you've told me,
Are now killing me.

So I held up a knife,
To end this cruel life.
I'll slit this to feel the pain,
I'll slash this right through my veins.

Oh what an agony,
Is this hell I see?
But oh why did you pretend,
Will my heart ever mend?

After all we've been through,
Is this the only thing you can do?
Vows that are broken,
Are now left unspoken.

Why do I have to feel this sting?
But this heart still keeps on singing.
My heart will keep singing until it sinks down,
Like crepuscular nights dims the starry skies.

This heart it beats,
Ceaselessly for you.
Like venom so sweet,
You couldn't taste this.