Crying Out!

I can’t do this... I’m a failure. My life is worth nothing and why am I even here. I’m not worthy of god’s grace or love. My own parents should just leave me behind; I’m not worth any of the energy being put into me.
I’m a lazy slob who should just be put out for she has no value to this world. She will never make a contribution to it, only destroy those around her. To occupied by living in the future and no time for the now.
I hate the person I’ve become. No direction it seems and no want for any desire at all.
She believes her family loves her, and god (she doesn’t know why they do):
but will anyone else, am I doomed to be forever forgotten, no place in another’s heart?
What is my life for GOD what!!
I know many have it worse off than I but I have problems too.
Personal, characteristic flaws. I can’t create drama
I can’t put anyone else what I’m going through inside, It wouldn’t be fair for them.
They don’t have to deal with it... I do
All by myself…………………………….. I wished it not but it is so.
She puts on a happy face, wondering if anyone can see through it
She laughs too loud