Girl In The Audience.

Who’s that girl in the audience? The girl that is just there?
The girl that wishes you could just stop and stare
Hoping she’s not falling for a figment of their imagination
Or some kind of other alteration
The girl that raises the sign
Hoping that you’d notice
But you walk by, and go to the other side
She has butterflies each time she sees you
She feels her knees grow weak from the thought of being so close, it can’t be true
The girl, she smiles
But inside, she dies
She sees you wink, or smile at the other ones
The pretty ones
The smart ones
The witty ones
She hopes you aren’t a jerk
She hopes you are different
She screams her lungs off
She sings along
Only to realize, this whole thing is a myth
You are the kind of guy she will never be with
A girl like her can never win your heart
And boy like you, will never notice her
Her eyes water
She feels the stinging begin
she makes it look like she’s crying because of the song
but really, she juts knows that they can’t belong
her knees grow weak again
but, it’s not from love
it’s a feeling from way up above
she now can see
her tears are gone
and then she realizes… it’s all wrong
she can be the girl
the girl that you seek
even if they never meet
it’s a possibility, life’s full of them
so she waits
the day you notice her is the day they belong
so, in her bed she waits
she thinks about that day
the rush of emotions, the pings in her heart
only to look threw the pictures
to realize
you looked at her
you looked her way
and that was the day, maybe they are meant to be?
And that girl...
She’s me…