The Silver Thread

I thought I could trust you, count on you, rely on you to be there, but you left me hanging by a silver thread, burning a hole in my soul. Burning through the place in my heart you used to occupy, turning it black. What happened? I needed you and you turned me away, like a stray begging for food. Except, when you turned me away, you went and stabbed me in the back as well. So I lay here, burning and bleeding, wondering what I did to deserve this kind of pain. The silver thread I'm hanging by represents your anger toward me, the color representing curiosity of why you're mad at me. Of course, you will probably never let me know. But in my sorrow, which quickly turns to extreme hate, I find I really don't care. So you can go live your life and I'll live mine, but know that one day you'll need me, but I'll be gone. Left hanging by the silver thread no more.