Don't Play Games with My Heart

Happiness! - wherefore art thou? You sneaky little thing. I look for you everyday and still can't seem to get even close! I look under my bed, inside my showerhead, behind the TV, in my food, under my clothes - I still can't find you. The diamond earring, the XBox 360, the iPod Nano, the expensive brand clothings - no Happiness there, either! I snatch the air in front of me, but I know it's not that simple. Happiness doesn't like to be grabbed so carelessly. Perhaps it's in my breath, in my eyes, in my pants... where? Where? Where are you, dear Happiness? Don't confuse me - I'm ever so sensitive! When you trick me, I cry! When you deceive me, I lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling, questioning your intentions. I question your existence. I can't help but feel that Death is more real than you. Death is so easy to catch! Tragedy is so simple to stumble upon! But you, Happiness - you slip between my fingers like soft sand. I've got you! - and then I don't. Your games frighten me. I never liked Hide and Seek in the first place. Happiness, where are you? Am I looking too hard? Looking past you? Around you? Beyond you? Are you right in front of me? Behind me? Above me? Below me? Around me? I catch a glimpse of you once in a while. But you! - you don't give me straightforward actions! You come, have tea with me, then leave. And then I have to play your damn game again. You flirt with me then reject me. You tease me! You poke me! You nudge me! In the end, you run away.

You have whispered something in my ears, though. What are you trying to tell me? Are you trying to tell me where you are? You're giving me a riddle, is that it? I was never any good at riddles... What is it do you want me to do? I love you - isn't that enough? No... I guess it isn't. I love you, I want you, I need you... but I am only feeling those without you. It takes two to tango, doesn't it? So why do you HIDE? Why do you TEASE? Why do you LEAVE everytime I get so close?

Happiness, what are you trying to say? Are you begging me? Hoping I would find you? Was that your intention the whole time? You want me to catch you. You want me to find you. Like everyone else, you want me to hold you. You WANT me to win this game.

Oh, but Happiness... I don't know what to do. Something inside me pushes you away, blocks you, and ignores you. I'm in love... I'm blind with love... I'm so in love with you that I can't have you.

Then something else keeps me from reaching you. This is it - now I know why I keep pushing you, blocking you, and ignoring you. It's because of It. It... I love It, too, unintentionally. I am torn between you and It. What is it, you ask? What is It?

It is Sadness.