I Love Him

Your long, blonde silky smooth hair,
Your fringe covering your eyes, unseen to the world, a stranger,
The smooth clear skin beneath my fingers,
The pale skin, like me, beautiful, not like me.

Your lip piercing, how I wanted that to piece us together,
Lips glued tightly to one another, a never ending kiss,
Your soft hands, long fingers trailing through my hair,
I hadn’t met you...but I loved you.

I got lost inside your eyes,
The hazel colour that I loved so much,
The way they looked at me, with a special look.
A look of pure love, not lust.

Your strong arms, tangled around me, overpowering me,
You towering tall above me, so protective, so loving and caring,
You hugging me every second, in my imagination,
I wanted the arms around me to feel and be real.

I wanted it all, I wanted the real you, kissing, hugging, comforting me,
Not the one I had made from old memories and things you’d said,
I wanted to see the real you...in the flesh,
Feel your eyes bore into mine, so piercing and so true.

I wanted to hook my fingers in the back pocket of your skinnies,
Never letting go, never ever moving,
I wanted to snuggle up in that hoodie of yours, warm and protected,
I wanted to sit on your lap and feel at peace and safe from everything.
I wanted you.

But we might never meet, a fantasy we both dreamed of,
Me in the UK, you in the US,
The long-distance relationship that might never happen,
But we’d try; give up anything to be together.

I love you, you love me,
Best-friends forever, till the end, the day we both die,
Love from you was all I needed to live,
One day we would finally be together.

One day, we would meet,
And all this will be over,
Together Forever<3
You’re always in my heart.

Dedicated to Jimmy because he’s the boy in the poem and all these words are true and he will always be in my heart and I love him.

Jimmy <3 ily x