
She grabbed a piece of paper
Wrote down her last words
Cried ‘til her eyes were so wet with tears
She couldn’t see her own reflection in the mirror
She told herself she hated it
The beatings and the lies
She told herself she needed it
The scars; suicide
“I can’t take this anymore.” She whispered to herself
So she flung from the roof top
Hoping to be free
Spreading her arms
Like they were her wings
She heard their screams, and their cries
She didn’t listen she just closed her eyes
And for just a second she felt it, the happiness she always wanted
When she hit the ground below
The crowed backed away
But her mother walked towards her
Tears streaming down her face
“I can’t believe you really did it.”
She said to her little girl
“I should’ve been there for you, to help you through this world.”
She never realized how many people had her in their hearts
And as she watched them bury her
Regret invaded her thoughts
She wished she could go back
And endure all the pain that life brought
But she knew it was too late
There was nothing she could do
They couldn’t see or hear her
A simple ‘sorry’ wouldn’t do.