I Shall Heal

Like a never ending tragdy,
I swear I am not needed,
I swear no one will care
If I pull the knife over my wrist,
Cutting deeply and letting the blood flow freely.
I swore all of this until the day I met you.
I had something to live for,
Someone to love me,
For who I am,
Not for what I look like.
If this is a dream,
I never want to wake up.
If this is a fantasy,
I never want to face reality.
So just hold me,
And with whispered words of love,
I shall know everything will be alright,
That you will never leave me.
So remember,
I may be strong,
But I am weak as well.
Like anyone else,
Even I need comfort.
Just take me into your arms,
And I Shall Heal.