
I love you more than you could possibly understand
It's unfathomable how much I care
Whenever I feel the slightest hint of sadness
I pursue you and persuade you to share

It kills me when we aren't together
And when I can't hear your voice I lose sleep
Compare my daydreams with reality
And you are the essence of imperfect perfection

When you pick your petty games over me
I cry and wish even more you were here
And everytime you say "I love you"
A chill courses through me, never in fear

Every moment in your arms is sweet ecstasy
And I never want to move, be frozen in time
Hours pass by, the sadness grows stronger
And I need you by my side more and more

Everytime I need you, you aren't there
But everytime you are, I don't "need" you
Most days you are the only one who can stop my tears
And usually, you are the cause of them, too

But don't fret my dear one, for it's only me
I cry over small petty things, so it's alright
Just be there for me and talk to me when you can
And all the tears will start to fade away

Just remember I love you more than anyone
Remember this unfathomable love is only for you
And you can't possible understand how much I care
How much my life depends on your happiness