
Given light brighter than day
And no one will know what to say
She gives off a glow of sweet and sour
And shows radiance like the top of the tower

Pretty Pretty
Oh so fine
Will you be my valentine?
Your heart is broken
And I need you
But you don't know what to do

A broken heart can never heal
Unless you let the sadness sink
But don't go far, or you'll hit Rock Bottom
And no one will know what to think

Cruelness never healed the heart
And there's bottled up emotion that you can't take
So all you do is bring people down
Your insults burn them on the stake

Pretty Pretty
Oh so blue
Tell me what I need to do
Let me heal
That broken heart
Cause your smile is my favorite part

Look at me
What do you see?
Someone kind instead of mean
Look in the mirror
What do you see?
The ugliest girl, and no, it's not me

Ugly Ugly
Not me, but you
You bit too much and couldn't chew
So let us laugh
At that broken face
And take a picture we can't replace

Pretty Pretty
Why so sad?
Don't you know we felt this bad?
So cry all you want
Pretty Ugly girl
And let all the emotion twirl.

-The Immortal Trainwreck Projekt (aka my band)