Going, Going...Now Its Over

What happened to us?
We used to be inseparable,
I never wanted to leave your sides
We were always, constantly, together

We had so much fun.
We went on adventures
The best thing was that we never left the back yard
We had enough imagination to have our make-believe games seem real.
There was never a dull moment.

We said that we would be friends forever
But we should've never said something
That we couldn't keep as a promise.

Until we got into elementary school
We could not be separated
We had sleep-overs
We had little parties
We played together
We grew up together.

Now we barely speak
We don't talk in public
Two of us are at the same place
While the other is miles away.

We talk online like nothing had ever happened
Yet I know that something did.
The reason that we don't talk, I don't even get it

Maybe it's the people we now hang out with?
Maybe its the fact that we changed?
Maybe its the fact of us growing apart?

I wish it was that simple.
Now, I have 5 words:
Going, Going...Now its over
And I've never been more sad