
The guitarist stands on a wall, his fingers moving on the frets to whine out music to the people watching, yet he is alone.
The singer lies on his bed, his headphones secured around his ears, listening to the music pouring through them.
The drummer pounds out a beat that shakes everyone around him but he isn't moved in the least bit.
The bassist strums on his lonely strings, not really paying attention to the world around him.
The rhythm player sits alone in his basement alone, with only the haunting notes he strums to keep him company.

Five souls that are so lost apart. Each wondering how their life can be complete.

Flash forward two years.

The guitarist stands on a riser, a grin plastered on his face as thousands of people sway with the sound.
The singer screams out vocals, reveling in the sounds of the people singing along with him.
The drummer pounds onto his instruments, a look of wild happiness as people jump to the beat.
The bassist stands, awed and amazed as people rush the stage, his fingers moving carelessly among the frets.
The rhythm player jumps around the stage, filled with impossible energy as their fans scream and holler for more.

Five souls that are so complete together. Each wondering how they got so lucky.