
The twins stand strong and proud e'n masse to the powerful...
A fire and a crippling blow...
They fall at each others side, crashing upon each other...
A crying heart and a broken soul the country watches silently...
crashed and in flames the horrid event is celebrated and morned, A dasterdly deed by wicked not to go unpunished...
The cry from the banshee heard upon all ears, as the Reaper takes it's time with the dead and broken...
Sitting upon the clouds the angels go silent...
The crys of suffering are silenced in hell as the gates are flooded...
Roses fall from the sky burning everything they touch...
Fluttering to the ground they poisen the lungs of the breathing and crush the minds of the weak...
The smoke clears and a demon is awoken...
Three billion eyes stare upon the face of one man...
A fist is slamed and justice is promised...
The twins stand again like a phoenix from the ASH'S the twins arise stronger...
Tears of a country..
Tears of the lost..
Tears of the Twins...