The Child I Once Was

I remember the little girl in me. She was a bubbly child, who held lots of pain. She didnt know why mommy and daddy arnt together. Nor why great-grandma died.
She had dark brown hair down to her back. But one day she wanted it all gone. And then it was only to her neck. She tore at her dresses and ripped up her skirts. All because she didnt feel right in them.
She cried everynight because she felt unloved and in pain. But most of all because she was afraid.
And 8 years later. Here I am. Still a child but a stronger and smarter one. One who isnt afraid of the dark and what hides in the shadows. One who isnt afraid of nightly shadows outside. One who isnt afraid of the silly things she once feared. But is afraid of bigger things than such childish fantasies