
I’m still in pain, everyday it gains
It’s building up in me like it will never stop
I wish I could turn back the clock
I thought I was gonna have a new beginning
Instead I’m gonna have an ending
I’ve tried to shut everyone out, but they keep coming in
I sit in my closet with a knife, ready to take my life
Suicide is a risk I’m willing to take
But there are more things in life I need to face
But right now I wanna die and I don’t know why
I hold in a lot of my anger and pain
Everyday it comes back again
I try to talk to my friends or family
They just really don’t get me
They never listen to what I have to say
They don’t care what I do
I don’t want that
I want them to say “I love you”
I want them to care
I come out of my closet
I look around and see that no one is there
I go in my parent’s room and take my dads gun
I walk out the house and just run
I shot the people who made me feel bad
I took away their life for good
I put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger
It was the end of my troubles
My parents were devastated
I can never be someone’s wife
Now I lay in my grave with a knife
Ready to take someone else’s life