Jumbled Words Form Perfect Sentences but Perfect Sentences Sooner or Later Become Jumbled Words.

With a few years under our belts, we are expected to know better but it's our religion to light our last match and throw it in the snow. They walk home fake smiles burning their cheeks and once both doors are closed, both pictures of the other set firmly down, front side no longer facing up. However, all the way on the other side of town, the same thing. Two teens, two fake smiles sitting on the bus cell phones in hand. Slowly, they delete eachothers home, cell, e-mail etc. Frankly, it's against our religion to back down from a social challenge or to let a rumour die. A porcelain doll, tonight, will crack and a toughened face will soften with each tear. Because if they don't, we've violated our religion.