We've Worn Out Our Welcome Please Forgive Us... I Think

Like a roller coaster it was fun but it had to end. Maybe we’ll ride it again but not right now for, if you have yet to notice, I’m to busy being unique and running away from my problems to be friends and you’re to busy following the crowd and hunting problems down to be friends. I want my space away from the practically catapulting over my shoulders and attacking me and go to the city while you want to be part of the crowd in the middle of nowhere. If you hadn’t taken me to this amusement park everyday this summer perhaps I wouldn’t have to do this but my last string has not only been pulled but also torn, cut and burned. I need my time to cry on as serious shoulder opposed to your clown painted one. I’ll miss you and I’ll feel bad for saying this but I have my own problems, you want your own problems and I have to go. Please forgive me.