What are friends for?

Many nights I sit and wait,
only met by silence.
Out there, nothing is right.
Stupid people, haters.
Everyone's a foe.

Just waiting,
Sucks to be me.
Sometimes...All the time...
I want to die. I can't take it much longer.

January's almost over,
only I wish it was December.
Nowhere to turn,
and no one to cry on.
Then, their faces
hover in my mind,
and I know I can cry as hard as I want.
No one will tell me to stop.

And though I want to put the gun to my head,
something stops me.
Heavily breathing, clutching my head.
Love. They said they loved me.
Eventually, the weapon falls.
It taunts me, but I will continue to live.
Give it all I've got.
How long it will take? I have no idea.

But I've got my guardian angels for now.
I may be selfish.
They may get annoyed with me,
But I will fight for them.
This will not be the closing chapter.

I will live another day,
I promise you that.