Last Dance.

*This is meant to be sung. More of lyrics then a poem.*

You're the only one for me
I waited so long
You make me go crazy
Have you ever seen me cry?
You made me like this.

you're the only one for me
Just under the park tree.
It took you a while.
Thank god she set you free
When you hold my hand.
Fingers like a shoelace
Was I really that much of a disgrace?

You're the only one for me.
The kisses tender.
But the benders wrecked our love.
I thought you were staring into my eyes,
not into hers
Will I ever learn?

You're the only one for me.
The night was cold.
I was never told,
that it wasn't weren't us
but just me and you.
That's when you made me cry
I'll never lie.
Back to slag,
Might as well dress drag.

You're the only one for me.
I moved on
Revenge sweet on the lips,
As I hold on to his hips.
You missed your chance
Last Dance.
I'm not backing out it.