Somethihng New in Life

I'm falling in and out of love,
Finally stopping realizing its
a bad choice.
A simple breath is meant to
say good-bye,
But than you say hello- then it
ends with and another good-bye.
Thinking that my life was over-when
I didn't have you any longer,
But I got a new start now,
with different choice and new friends.
New fears appear and disappear,

but knowing that this time I will be
listening to you,...
Which will make a difference later on.
Knowing that anyone and anything can
scare me,
And now I have to protect myself-
without you protecting me instead.
Something new happens every
second in life,
Not knowing what will happen
I'm sick of writing poems
and songs of you,
This is the end.
I have no place for a-criminal-
in my heart.
Tearing up the pictures of us
reminds me of my broken heart,
Of how many times you broke it
But as I hold the picture of us,
Ripping down the middle us,
holding the piece of me;
And imaging of another boy
of my dreams that comes along,
Taping a drawing of him of how I
imagined beside the photo of me.
Here I stand holding the photo,
And whispered quickly to myself,
"I love you, who ever you are..."
Seeng another teardrop fall.