Remembering the tragedy

All the horrors,
The screams and cries.
Airplanes flying and crashing
Into buildings,
As than followed by the misty
Crashes of the building falling
Not knowing when there’s a
Chance of you to loose your life
Or one of your loved ones,
With no help to get but just hope
You make it through,
But that’s impossible-when just
Suddenly bit structures fall on top
Of people;
There’s very little chance of living.
Firefighters, police, volunteers, dogs
All have the caring for the look for
Those that may have the chance to
Dead bodies found one after another,
Hearing weeping and screams of
Sorrow and pain of loosing their
Loved ones.
Look up at the stars- their fading,
There’s no more peace and
Calmness in the world.
Look across the buildings-
There’s mothers and children who
Care but can’t be around any longer.
Homes lost to many people,
Families gone,
But there’s no ending.
More wars and horrors happen throughout
Countries and cities,
Even more dead bodies found, -more
Cries and sorrow continues.
But as the days go by,
People remember the loses of the
And those people that lost their lives
And for their close ones that had to
Experience this tragedy will never
Be forgotten.
And as time passes by-
Angles look down on us and help
Us live each day longer.
You will never be forgotten.