How Much Longer?

In his reigning grip of fear
Her voice shaking, she released a cry
So loud enough for help to hear
Alas, they left her but awry

Her clinging love, her lasting hope
Entangles his fingers within her own
Being so amazing that he so boasts
In deep, slow monotones.

How much longer shall she belong?
How much longer can she be strong?

To his lovely eyes she looked
For his warmth, comfort she seeks
Upon her grave he came and stood
Laughed, told her she's weak

Stretched her arms up to the light
She took leave and went away
Ridding the thoughts of love at first sight
Treading slowly, day by day

How much longer shall she belong?
How much longer can she be strong?

Murdered by love, she's six feet under
Fell for the one who would cause her to suffer
So beneath the rain clouds, below the thunder
She awaits the end, begins to wonder,

"How much longer shall I belong?
How much longer can I be strong?
The battle's lost, he calls me impotent,
Any confidence I'd gained is already gone."

Find it amusing to watch her distress?
He sends out his army, "Let's finish her off."
His soul feeds upon her loneliness
Once it's succulent mouth began to feast, it couldn't stop.

He couldn't know that murder is wrong
in Father's footsteps, sings the battle song
"How much longer shall she belong?
How much longer can she be strong?"