Watch the Stars Fall

Watch the stars fall.
Watch them beat a silver pattern on the sky.
Tears from the eyes of the angels,
Celestial drops of white blood,
Watch them light the approaching dawn.

Watch the stars fall.
Watch the cloud curtains part
To let the rain of shining light in.
Coating the world in liquid silver,
Watch them spill across the treetops.

Watch the stars fall.
Watch them light up my smile
And reflect in your eyes.
Casting everything in more than moonlight,
Watch them set the world aflame.

Watch the stars fall.
Watch them gallop toward earth,
Fiery steeds with fiery riders.
Speeding toward earth in a blur of silver,
Watch the world fall with them.

Watch the stars fall.
Watch them paint the sky silver.
The paint of God’s artist,
The moon’s soft melody of light gone from the sky,
Watch them silence your voice in a burst of fire.