Middle School Crush Obligations That I Feel I Must Follow

I'd never tell you in person
How I feel about your smile
So I'll tell myself
And save you the trouble
Of laughing your pretty little head off
At me

Whenever you catch my eye
You smile and
I look away
Most likely blushing
And when my eye has been caught by you
For the second time and you
Raise you eyebrows
I can feel myself start to melt inside out

Whenever we're in band class
And you and the boy next to you laugh
I laugh silently in my head
Because people would stare
And so would you
And I wouldn't like that
Because you'd probably catch on
To my feelings for you

When you have an opinion
I oddly agree unlike I'm supposed to
Being a woman
And since a man is supposed to be wrong
If he states an opinion
I feel utterly stupid
And I look away and pretend to do my schoolwork

When you said on the bus
That another girl teased you
I wanted to rush off the bus and slap her
Just for your sake
Because I'm pretty much in love with you
And I would never do that
Because you would know my secret

And If you know my secret
You know my life
And that wouldn't be good
Because then I wouldn't be safe
And that's how love is in
Middle school

And I want to survive with no injuries
To my soul or my body