When You Said 'I Don't Love You'

You were the one,
I wanted to be with forever.
You seemed to be perfect,
But no one could be so, never.

I tried to show you,
All that I could be,
But what you ended up seeing,
Wasn’t the real me.

You only told me the truth,
For it wasn’t me you cared for,
Another girl had caught your eye,
And it was my heart you tore.

I mourned through the enduring days,
And the endless nights,
But no matter how hard I tried,
I couldn’t make anything right.

Through those times,
Tears were shed,
And through the particularly tough,
Blood was bled.

I wasn’t happy,
With myself or my life.
It took a lot of strength,
To stay away from the knife.

I eventually became stronger,
And could once again, stand on my own.
But, what could be your feelings for me now?
For that remains unknown.

All that I am sure of,
Is that no matter how much good I have been through,
I will always hate the day you said,
‘I don’t love you’.