More Than Friends

You know I’m there,
We talk all the time.
You entrust your secrets within me,
Knowing I won’t tell.
We’ve been friends for years,
Through the good times, and the bad.
You see my flaws,
And I see yours.
We deal with life together,
And we deal with it on our own.
Helping each other along the way,
Like the true friends we are.
I cry on your shoulder,
When life gets tough.
I’m there when you just need to talk,
Listening every time.
We lean on each other,
When we can’t stand on our own.
Now I’m asking you,
To look past the girl you’ve always known.
The one who has always been a friend,
A playmate throughout the years,
A safe to keep secrets,
The sister that you’ve never had.
To me you’re more than a friend.
And if you look back,
At all we’ve been through,
Maybe, just maybe,
You could love me to.