
Will you be the one,
To break the chains I can’t escape?
The chains that twine around my heart.
To keep love out,
And trap my true feelings in.
The chains that won’t let me venture,
Or explore the world around me.
The chains that keep my voice mute,
Not letting me speak my own opinion.

So, will you be the one?
To break the chains that bond me?
That keep love out?
And listen to my feelings?
Will you let me wander the world?
And explore by my side?
Will you let me speak my voice?
And push the dreaded silence away?
So I can share my opinions?

If you break these chains,
I promise I will stay with you forever,
To help you like you may help me.
So please show me you care enough about me,
The true me.
The girl who wants to speak her mind,
Learn what life is like outside the boundaries,
Wants to love you,
And who wants you to love her back.