Left to Anorexia

The girl stares,
Back at her blank expression,
Her eyes a tortured pair.

With violet circles beneath her eyes,
The hunger keeping her from sleep,
Tears flow freely as she cries.

Three cautious steps back from the mirror,
Her eyes sweep down the length of her body,
The message is clearer.

In the pale moonlight,
Her figure is distinct,
Nothing looks right.

Her bones are thin,
Their outline visible,
Beneath her ivory skin.

She looks too young,
With her skeleton figure,
Missing the curves that should have sprung.

From her pales lips escapes a shaky breath,
With her soulless expression,
She looks the face of death.

She faintly remembers how it became this way,
Refusing all meals,
Day after day.

Slowly, she dropped weight,
But even after the loss,
She could only feel hate.

It has finally brought her here,
An endless road of reject,
She silently sheds more tears.

She only wanted to look thin,
So people would look past her looks,
To learn who she was within.

But they slowly left her alone,
With no one to turn to,
Her true self left unknown.