This Is The Last Time

"Save me!"
"From what?"


Haunted by memories
of my retraced steps.
Tears flow over the old tracks
in the snow.

The pain of separation
since April's morn
is A Clockwork Orange
set in my mind, awkward,
a weak memory of the end.

You're a drug, I've detoxed
a relapse would be life.

Has an era passed
since our last touch?
Last glance,
the place of my head on your heart,
heart beats.

Forced actions have been ensued.
Etched on my skin, memories
of my lost affection.

"Save me?"

Your droogs have eyes
for faults. Your eyes,
like looking at my past
a faded frame
of family,
now dead and buried.

How far can we take this,
how long will this last
it's like a game
and you keep winning.