Stay With Me

Devastation again,
Don’t let it show,
Walk away smiling,
Don’t show your dying,

Open the door,
Walk in the room,
Knees Shaking,
Hands Trembling,

Fall down,
Curl up into a ball,
Walls come crashing down,

Crawl to my dresser,
Pull out the knife,
Put it to my wrist,
Then you materialize,

Walk to my side,
Take away my pain,
Put the knife on my dresser,
Pull me to your arms,

Hold me here forever,
Stroking my back,
Make me feel loved,
No one else matters,

Tell me I’m important,
That your heart beats for me,
Tell me to stop hurting myself,
Cause it hurts you too,

If you didn’t exist,
I don’t know what I’d do,
So stay with me here,
This is for you.