Flightless Bird

With baited breath, i wait for you
But all you bring are empty words
And promises you never keep
And other things that taunt and hurt
There is no purpose for your ways
No reason nor no fault of mine
Yet i'm the one with sacrifice
Still searching though i'll never find
For there was once a time and place
When you weren't thoughtless or unkind
Where i could share my everything
And there was no need left to hide
My trust in you grew on and on
Just like a bird learning to fly
I spread my wings, let myself go,
And you held me a mile high
And when the time for rest returned
You carried me back to my nest
Was i to know you'd let me fall,
Or that you'd turn out like the rest?
Perhaps it was naive of me
To think i'd found the different one
You had me fooled, it was too late...
You hunted me down with your gun
A flightless bird i have become
For you've pierced through my wing
And i can only cry in pain
For broken birds can't sing
A battle fought in desperation
Is falling to its end
Along with all my heart and soul--
A part i cannot mend.....