Untitled Poem for Frank

My ears strain to hear you play
But all I hear is Gerard, Bob or Matt, Ray and sometimes Mikey.
When you scream for me that’s when I know you love me
Once I pick up the rhythm guitar in my ears
I know it’s you
Frankie my crush

I think you’re cute
No matter what you have on
I think you’re handsome
No matter what hair style is on you
I think you’re kind
No matter how much you curse
I think you’re sexy
No matter how many tattoos you’ll get
Frankie my love

But this feeling I have for you
You may never know it
You love Jamia and I’m just a fan
That hug back on 4/19/08 was specal
If I could go back and change the show
(Besides having the Memory Erasers let us take pictures and film the show)
I would want to stay in your arms
Just for a little bit more
Just thirty seconds more is all I want
Just enough time for me to tell you
Just enough time for me to say
“Frank Iero, I know your heart belongs to Jamia. But all I want to say is
I love you.”