
Let my tears fall to the ground.
Hide away my face from Chocolate Kisses.
They're really hungry nibbles of piranhas on the inside,
eating away at my soul.

I slap away the hanging nooses and still,
they attempt to pull me into the darkness I see around me
like a black hole, so suffocating.

I want to run but cannot hide...
my fear is myself.
They watch with hungry eyes.
I must mask my emotions.

I'm that girl in the alleyway, masked in shadow.
The ocean invades your dreams,
black and frightening,
a whirlpool ready to suck the soul away.

A thousand nightmares I must find cures for;
their eyes in every wave.
It's all just a way for the whirlpool of hatred to suck you in.
There is no escape except for one.

Wish and pray that you're heart will turn to stone.
Pray that your glass heart will not disappear into the abyss.
That the glass will not be crushed into the strange.
My heart aches.

Perhaps my wish for stone has begun already.
Turn the glass to ice, and when I feel frigid enough... so cold,
then I'll wish to stone.
Because then, it won't hurt so much.

Too much pain.
Too much pain.