The Frerard Song

The kiss on stage, touch and moan, it’s not all an act you see, and it’s all for real. Backstage it’s all they do; love each other till morning comes. It’s a shame for the over guys, keeping the secret and listening to their screams. Hiding it from their families, every day, all day. When will they ever come clean, will they? All day long they think of each other, waiting till night comes and they go on stage and put on their “act”. The wives know nothing, nothing at all. Only the boys backstage. Can’t you hear them moan? All night long, in the day they don’t leave each other alone, both of them saying “Ohhh Gee, Ohhh Frankie” Those touches, warm kisses, they will never admit it. All you can do is listen, the kissing, slurping, moaning.
The two star-crossed lovers that will never ever be, so let’s leave them to it. And we can dance the night away.

Co written by the brilliant Harley A.K.A GerardistX-MCR. She gets deds and she’s awesome. ily x
Ps. Its Frankie And Gee From MCR.