The fight for survival

they climb over each other, blindly,
to get to the top edge of the box,
to feel the air on their little noses and ears.
one by one, they're picked away
to find a new home
and to never see their siblings again.
one by one, a single puppy is chosen
to become someone's new pet.
a cute little kid picks the one with spots
and the couple that is too young for kids adore
the one that's black and brown.
on and on, this goes, until only a few remain,
unconsciously wondering why.
people pass by, not to interrupt their day
with something so small as a soul in need.
the outcasts just try to reach the top of the box,
try to feel the air and to get people's attention.
they don't know why the other ones got picked,
but they know that there is pain
from the marks they made, stepping on them,
triumphant when chosen.
the runts, outcasts, unwanted,
are left to stay in the box,
and wait to be rescued,
knowing nothing themselves.